Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Five Books on a Deserted Island

As I sit here snowbound, the world raging with wind and ice outside, the Amazon Facebook page asked this question: If you could take five books with you to a deserted island which ones would you take?

I fantasized a tropical island for a few minutes, since I know I have to go walk the dog soon and I am not looking forward to that. More than likely if I were left on an island it would probably be a cold weather island anyway, no sun and surf for me.

Anyway, I decided I wanted to really think about this question.

I am making the assumption that this list is only regarding books I would want to read for pleasure and not books about survival, of course.

If I had to choose five as of lunchtime today (because this list is likely to change at any moment) my list is:

1 - "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel

I could spend a lifetime examining this book and still want to read it again. The angles, the possibilities, the depth of the metaphor. I don't want to go too far into it because every reader should approach this one without a clue. If you know what's going to happen some of the magic is lost in that first read, but if you don't know you will be able to read it many times over and remember the feeling of the first time.

2 - "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee

I read many many books in high school. This is the only one I remember every detail of. I never forgot it. I have reread it. And reread it. My island home would not be complete if I didn't have a copy of it with me. My beloved Atticus would be my conversationalist on my island. He would keep my mind sharp and keep me together.

3 - "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" by Betty Smith

I only read this book for the first time last spring. Classic, beautiful. This would be my poetry. My book to read aloud to myself when I was lonely and craving affection because this book wraps me up in it.

4 - "Around the World in 80 Days" by Jules Verne

Go with me on this. If you were trapped on a desert island wouldn't you want to fantasize about victorian travel? I would. The cool suitcases and pocket watches and hats. I need something with me from the father of steampunk and science fiction.

5 - "Threats" by Amelia Gray. This is the new one on my list.

I just finished this book yesterday morning. Gray wrote a novel that I can not explain. What is it about? Um. Insanity? Grief? Is it a murder mystery or a great love story? I'm not sure. But I know this. On page nine I had to put the book down for a few minutes because my heart was racing and I couldn't breathe. There are sentences Gray has masterfully crafted that I could repeat them for hours when awake alone on a desert island.

So, tell me your list.

This image, like the ones in my banner, are by Pierre Auguste Renoir.

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